What is Laser Treatment?
Laser and light treatments delivers long-lasting results for many aesthetic concerns on most areas of the body. The type of laser or light treatment that is best for you is based upon your cosmetic needs or concerns, your skin type, desired level of improvement, and the area to be treated. These non-surgical procedures work by gently heating the skin’s surface, providing sufficient heat to reach and target desired areas (for example, targeting hair follicles during laser hair removal, or superficial skin heating to address sun spots on the face or arms). Cooling mechanisms during treatment protect the skin’s surface and keep patients comfortable. We perform all treatments in our office in as little as 30 minutes or less, depending on the target area and treatment type. Most procedures may be combined and done at the same time for enhanced results and are complemented by our spa services and skin care lines.
Laser and Light Therapies Commonly Treat:
- Wrinkles
- Sun and age spots
- Facial veins & vascularities
- Rosacea
- Scarring
- Acne scars
- Hair removal
- Spider veins
- Acne
More than one treatment may be required to achieve your desired level of improvement. Generally, a series of 3 or more treatments is recommended for most procedures to assure best outcomes. Upon consultation, our aesthetics staff can discuss your concerns and develop a treatment plan designed to meet your individual needs.
Laser Skin Rejuvenation

These anti-aging therapies can help you turn back the hands of time!
The heat energy from laser and light therapies penetrates far more deeply than traditional skin care products, most chemical peels and microdermabrasion by reducing the signs of aging from the inside out.
The laser’s heating effect stimulates collagen contraction and production within the epidermis to smooth, plump and firm aging skin.
The appearance of facial wrinkles diminishes, and skin tone and texture improves for skin that appears clear, radiant and refreshed.
We offer the following treatments for skin rejuvenation, skin tightening and lightening of sun/age spots and sun damaged skin:
Laser Genesis
A non-invasive treatment that stimulates collagen production improving the look of dullness, redness, large pores, acene and fine lines by gentle heating of the skin. An ideal anti-aging treatment when no discomfort or downtime is important. A series of 4-6 treatments (4weeks apart) achieves optimal results.
Intense Pulsed Light Treatment (IPL)
A versatile skin rejuvenation treatment using light energy that treats vascular and pigmented lesions on the face, hand, neck and chest. A series of 3-6 treatments (4 weeks apart) achieves optimal results
Laser Hair Reduction

A non-invasive laser treatment to reduce unwanted hair. Great if you are tired of shaving or plucking. As hairs in a given area are not all in the same growth phase at the same time, a series of 6-8 treatments achieves best outcomes for lasting hair reduction.
Laser Vein Treatment

Laser light can also be used to treat spider veins on the leg, facial telangiectasia (spider veins), and other vascular abnormalities such as hemangiomas, venous lakes, and cherry angiomas of the face, neck, arms, abdomen, legs and ankles.
The application of heat energy to the skin’s surface creates photocoagulation of cosmetically problematic vascular lesions.
The targeted blood coagulates in the treated areas, pigment will diminish and resolve typically within 1-3 weeks.
Laser vein treatment is also available for varicose vein treatment and leg veins commonly associated with leg discomfort, fatigue, leg swelling and restless legs.
For more information on varicose vein treatment with laser (EVLT), click here.
Getting Started
Not sure which treatment is right for you? Start with a complimentary consultation with our laser-certified Master Aesthetician to assess your skin health, learn about the treatment options and design the best regiment to meet your skin care goals. Contact us to schedule your consultation or inquire about any of our laser and light treatments, skin care lines and spa services.